Mild steel panels with brass joins, left exposed to weather slowly in the natural elements
The steel panels are left to rust in the open air, a deliberate and gentle changing of texture & colour over the building's lifetime.
The summer house is designed to blend into the garden foliage, with materials exposed to deleiberate weathering. It can be dismantled with reusuable components.
Mild steel panels with brass joins, left exposed to weather slowly in the natural elements
After refurbishing & extending the clients' 1970's main house on Temple Sheen Road, they commissioned us to design a summer house to replace the existing row of timber storage sheds at the back of the garden.
The garden was predominantly lawn with taller planting along the edges. The new summer house was placed at the far end of the garden, under the clump of mature trees, and makes use of the existing paving slab base, with small pad foundations to minimise disturbance to the surrounding tree roots.
All the walls that face boundaries are solid with no overlooking of the neighbours' gardens. There are basic facilities: a tea making area and composting wc, with a small DEFRA compliant wood burning stove. A slit rooflight, with reflective cheeks gives views of the sky.
There's a covered area along the side, for garden equipment & other garden storage. The sides are clad in mild steel sheets with brass joins, and left to weather slowly in the natural elements.